Tabular Method

Row Dominance


If a prime implicant covers all the minterms of another prime implicant , then we say row dominates row (row dominance) and prime implicant is redundant

Column Dominance


If the prime implicants of minterm cover all prime implicants another minterm , then we say column dominates column (column dominance) and minterm is redundant (opposite of row dominance)

Tabular Method

AKA Quine-McCluskey method.

This method can be programmed easily on computers.

The basis of the tabular method (and K-map) is the combining law.


  1. List all minterms in a table and group them based on the number of 1s in the binary representation of their minterm number
    • Don't cares can be treated as a minterm
  2. Combine implicants of one group with an implicant in their successive group that differ by only 1 bit location
    • Create a list, replacing the differing bit with a don't care.
  3. Repeat until further combinations cannot be made. Any un-combined minterms are prime implicants.
  4. List prime implicants and the minterms they cover, identify any essential prime implicants using inspection and either column or row dominance


Consider the function . Find the minimum-cost realization for this function.

We have:

Now we group the minterms by the number of s in their binary representations:

Now we combine adjacent minterms. For example, we can combine 0000 with 0100 to get 0x00. In essence, this is what a K-map is doing. We can show this like so:

Finally, we combine once more:

Any implicant that was not checked off is a prime implicant. We will label these from 1 to 6:

Now we list all the prime implicants and the minterms they cover (exclude any don't cares from list 1):

Prime Implicants

Now we remove because it is the only prime implicant which covers and . As a result, any columns covers will also be removed, and is an EPI:

Prime Implicants

Note that while covers , covers and . This is called row dominance. Since and have the same number of literals, we keep and remove . The same goes for and . We arrive at a new table:

Prime Implicants

Now, by inspection, we need to to chose and for a full cover, while is redundant. The final cover is .

Therefore, the minimum-cost implementation is:


Consider the following table without any EPIs:

Prime Implicants

Find all necessary prime implicants.

Note that column and column are covered by the same prime implicants. Since has more checkmarks than , dominates . Recall when a column dominates another, we remove the dominating column.

Same goes for and .

Prime Implicants

Note that is dominated by and is dominated by .

Prime Implicants

Observe that and each cover at least 1 minterm exclusively. So these implicants must be part of the cover.

Prime Implicants

Finally, dominates both and , so it is part of the cover.

Therefore, our final cover is .