Real Gasses

We want to correct the Ideal Gas Law, which only works well with high temperature and low pressure.

Correction #1: molecules do in fact occupy space:

where is the reciprocal of molarity ()

Correction #2: Intermolecular forces of attraction between molecules lowers the pressure

where is a constant with units , which describes the strength of intermolecular attraction proportional to the squared concentration of molecules.


When a gas isn't ideal, Van der Wall's equation is a more accurate formula to use:


Five systems are described below. The temperature of each system is . Rank them in order as to how well they will be described by the ideal gas law.

  • at
  • at
  • at
  • at
  • at


  1. at because helium is smaller, it takes up less space
  2. at
  3. at
  4. at
  5. at

Four systems are described below. The pressure of each system is . Rank them in order as to how well they will be described by the ideal gas law.

  • at
  • at
  • at
  • at


  1. at
  2. at
  3. at
  4. at

One mole of occupies a volume of and and . Identify whether each of the following statements is true or false:

  1. behaves like an ideal gas
    • False
  2. The density of is less than the density predicted by the ideal gas law
    • False, since , and ideal gas law predicts greater volume
  3. The molecules are attracting each other
    • True