Reaction Orders


Order Differential Rate Law Integrated Rate Law Units of

(see molarity)

Differential Rate Laws

Rate laws relate the rate of the reaction to the concentration of the reactants.


For the reaction :


  • is the order of the reaction with respect to
  • is the order of the reaction with respect to
  • is the overall order of the reaction
  • is the rate constant (a function of temperature)

(see rate of change)

and must be empirically determined (i.e experimentally). Exponents do not necessarily equal stoichiometric coefficients.

Order of Reaction


The order of a reaction means the relationship between how much reactant and how fast the reaction occurs

  • Order 0 means no relation
  • Order 1 means linear relation
  • Order 2 means quadratic relation
  • Etc

Consider a reaction with rate . What happens when we double the concentration of if:

    • No effect
    • Reaction rate doubles
    • Reaction rate quadruples

Experiments were performed using different initial concentrations of reactants, , , and (without or initially present) for the reaction:

initial rates of reaction are determined to be:

1 1.0 1.0 2.0 0.16
2 9.0 1.0 2.0 0.48
3 9.0 0.5 2.0 0.12
4 1.0 1.0 4.0 0.16

What is the order of the reaction with respect to , , and ? What is the value of the rate constant ?

For , be need to find two experiments where the concentration of and do not change, but does. This is the case for experiments 1 and 2.
We see that when changes by a factor of 9, changes by a factor of .
Then with , we find that ("half order").

Similarly for , we find can use experiments 2 and 3.
We see that when changes by a factor of 2, changes by a factor of 4.
Then with , we find that (2nd order).

For , we use experiments 1 and 4.
We see that when changes by factor of , changes by a factor of .
Then with , we find that (0th order).

For the rate constant, use any experiment's values:

Average Rate (Integrated Rate Law)


When all but one reactant is in excess, we have:

and we write:

then we can find as a function of time by integration.

Zero-Order Reaction


For a zero-order reaction:


First-Order Reaction


For a first-order reaction:

(see Logarithms, Euler's Number)


Second-Order Reaction


For a second-order-equation:




The reaction between ozone () and nitric oxide () proceeds as follows:

The reaction is first order with respect to both and :

Starting with of and of , exactly 75% of the is converted to in 46 seconds at 300k. Determine the reaction rate constant at a constant temperature.

Since , and the stoichiometric ratio is 1:1, we can write:

which turns this into a second-order reaction:


Di--butyl peroxide (DTBP, ) decomposes in the gaseous state into acetone and ethane () according to the reaction:

In an experiment, pure gaseous DTBP is placed inside a closed reactor at an initial pressure of (see Measuring a Gas) and temperature of . Knowing that the rate constant for the decomposition reaction at is , determine the time when the total gas pressure inside the reactor is .

We have:

Because the units of are , we have a first-order reaction:

To determine the final partial pressure of DTBP:

Final ()



Determining the Half-Life of a Reactant


The half-life of a reactant is the amount of time it takes for half of the reactant to react

We want when .