
Example: a * b + c * d

We want to change this into machine language.


First, we parse it into a tree

How should we evaluate this?

Techniques for Evaluating Expressions

As a convention, we will store the computed value in register 3, with the Scala alias Reg.result.

Technique #1: Using a Stack

See The Stack


  1. Evaluate subexpression e1
  2. Push result to stack
  3. Evaluate subexpression e2
  4. Pop top of stack into a scratch register
    Result register has value of e1, scratch register has value of e2
  5. Apply operator to result and scratch registers, store result in result register


 * Generate assembly language code to evaluate a binary
 * expression "e1 operator e2", where e1 and e2 are
 * subexpressions and operator is some arithmetic operator,
 * and place the resulting value in Reg.result.
def generateCode(e1, operator, e2): Code = block(
    Reg(3) := Reg(4) operator Reg(3)

Execution trace pseudocode for example:

# generateCode (a * b + c * d)

    # generateCode(a * b)
    read a into $3
    push $3
    read b into $3
    pop $4
    $3 = $4 * $3

push $3

    # generateCode(c * d)
    read c $3
    push $3
    read d $3
    pop $4
    $3 = $4 * $3

pop $4
$3 = $3 + $4

  • Upsides:
    • Can generate correct code for expressions of arbitrary depth
  • Downsides:
    • Inefficient, many pushes and pops are slow
    • Hard to optimize for both compiler and human

Technique #2: Using Variables (Virtual Registers)

See Variables

We can evaluate the expression as follows:


  1. Evaluate subexpression e1, store result in a variable
  2. Evaluate subexpression e2, store result in a variable
  3. Apply operator to the two variables, store result in a variable


 * Generate assembly language code to evaluate a binary expression
 * e1 operator e2, where e1 and e2 are subexpressions and operator
 * is some arithmetic operator, and place the resulting value
 * in a variable .
def generateCode(e1, operator, e2): (Code, Variable) = {
    (c1, v1) = generateCode(e1)
    (c2, v2) = generateCode(e2)
    v3 = new Variable()
    code = block(c1, c2, v3 = v1 operator v2)

    (code , v3)

Execution trace pseudocode for example:

# generateCode(a * b + c * d)

    # generateCode(a * b)
    v1 = a * b

    # generateCode(c * d)
    v2 = c * d

v3 = v1 + v2

  • Upsides:
    • Generates code that's easier to optimize
  • Downsides:
    • Machine language arithmetic operates on registers, not variables, so we need multiple instructions to express expressions such as a * b
    • We need a way to map variables to registers rather than stack locations, and to map a large number of variables to a limited number of registers (which we could alleviate with Register Allocation)

Technique #3: Variables for Temporary Values, Arithmetic Operations on Registers


  1. Evaluate subexpression 1
  2. Write result to a variable, t1
  3. Evaluate subexpression 2
  4. Read variable t1 into scratch register
    Result register has value of e2, scratch register has value of e1
  5. Apply operator to result and scratch registers, store result in result register


 * Generate assembly language code to evaluate a binary
 * expression "e1 operator e2", where e1 and e2 are
 * subexpressions and operator is some arithmetic operator,
 * and place the resulting value in Reg.result.
def generateCode (e1, operator, e2): Code = {
    t1 = new Variable()
         write(t1, Reg(3)),
         read(Reg(4), t1),
         Reg(3) := Reg(4) op Reg(3)

Execution trace pseudocode for example:

# generateCode(a * b + c * d)

    # generateCode(a * b)
    read a into $3
    write $3 into var t2
    read b into $3
    read var t2 into $4
    $3 = $3 * $4

write $3 into var t1

    # generateCode(c * d)
    read c into $3
    write $3 into var t3
    read d into $3
    read var t3 into $4
    $3 = $3 * $4

read var t1 into $4
$3 = $3 + $4

A real compiler would use technique 2 with a register allocator. However, for CS241E, we want to avoid that, so we will use this technique.