
Free Variable, Closed Expression


A free variable in an expression is a variable that is not bound/defined in the expression.

An expression is closed if it has no free variables.


// Anonymous functions = lambdas
// Function values = first-class functions
// Closures

def procedure(x: Int) = { x + 1 }

var increase: Int => Int = procedure
increase(5) // 6

increase = { x => x + 2 }
increase(5)                 // 7
List(5, 6, 7).map(increase) // List(7, 8, 9)

def twice(fun: Int => Int): Int => Int = {
    x => fun(fun(x))
increase = twice(increase)
increase(5) // 9

increase = { x => x + increment } // Increment is a free variable, where should we get it from?

// Create a closure
def increaseBy(increment: Int): Int => Int = {
    x => x + increment

increase = increaseBy(3)
increase(5) // 8

List(increaseBy(1), increaseBy(2), increaseBy(3)).map(fun => fun(5)) // List(6, 7, 8)
List(1, 2, 3).map(increaseBy).map(fun => fun(5))                     // List(6, 7, 8)

What is in the lists in the last two lines? Each of these increaseBy(1), increaseBy(2), etc does something a bit different.

In CS241E LACS, we don't have anonymous functions, so instead, we would write:

def increaseBy(increment: Int): Int => Int = {
    def procedure(x: Int): Int = {
        x + increment


A closure is a pair of:

  • Code of a function body (e.g function Pointers in C)
    • Implemented as a label to the inner function
  • An environment that gives values to the free variables in the function's body
    • Take the frame of the "constructor" and set the static link of the inner function to it, saved at closure creation
var functionValue: Int => Int

def constructor(a: Int) Int => Int = {
    var b = a * 2
    def proc(c: Int): Int = {
        a + b + c

functionValue = constructor(42)
functionValue(5) // 42 + 84 + 5 = 131

Closure Operations


We have 2 stages, closure creation and closure call.


Stage When
Evaluate args Call
Compute static link Creation
Allocate param chunk Call
Copy temp vars into params Call
LIS 8, use label Creation
JALR 8 Call closure

Consider the code:

def increaseBy(increment: Int): Int => Int = {
    def procedure(x: Int): Int = {
        x + increment

  1. Call closure like normal function
  2. Function value is Code
    • Code that reads var. functionValue into Reg.result (R3)

Variable Extent

See Variables#Extent


A free variable in a closure exists as long as the closure "instance" still exists.

In the code above, we may use the increment variable later, after exiting from the scope of increaseBy.

Solution: allocate frame/params of procedure creator on the heap, not on the stack.

Which procedures need their frames on the heap?

Any produced function also needs its frame and parameters allocated on the heap.

Closure Representation

Since we need two addresses, allocate a chunk of size 2 containing the 2 addresses.