

Characters are assigned by an integer on an ASCII table. This means we can do arithmetic on characters.

char myChar = 'a';
myChar += ('z' - 'x'); // 'z' - 'x' = 2, and 'a' + x = 'c'


A string is just a char array in C

The following are equivalent:

char s[] = "Hello";
char t[] = {'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', '\0'}; // Null char required

We can have Pointers to strings

char s[] = "Hello";
char *t = "Hello"; // This becomes an immutable constant

printf("%s\n", t); // Output "Hello"
printf("%zu\n", sizeof(s)); // Ouptut 6 (because + null char)
printf("%zu\n", sizeof(t)); // Ouptup 8 (because pointer)

String Utils

 * @returns the lengnth of s. Does not include null char
size_t strlen(const char *s);
 * Copies s1 into s0
 * s0 must have enough room including the null character, or this may overwrite
 * bits we do not want it to touch
 * @returns pointer to `s0`
char *strcpy(char *s0, const char *s1);


 * Copies the first `n` elements from s1 into s0.
 * Will not add null character for you, DIY
 * @returns pointer to `s0`
char *strncpy(char *s0, const char *s1, size_t n);
 * Concatnates s1 onto s0.
 * s0 must have enough room.
 * A null character is added to the end automatically[w]()
 * @returns pointer to `s0`
char *strcat(char *s0, const char *s1);
 * Concatnates the first n characters of s1 onto s0.
 * s0 must have enough room.
 * A null character is added to the end automatically[]()
 * @returns pointer to `s0`
char *strncat(char *s0, const char *s1, size_t n);
 * Compares the two strings lexicographically (ie. comparing ASCII values)
 * @returns < 0 if s0 < s1
 * @returns > 0 if s0 > s1
 * @returns 0 if s0 == 1
 * @returns the index where the characters first differ
int strcmp(const char *s0, const char *s1);

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>


int main() {

char s[20] = "Led ";

char t[10] = {0}; // IMPORTANT: INITIALIZE or there will be strange behaviour


strncpy(t, "Zeppole", 4);

strncat(t, "eline", 4);

strcat(s, t);


printf("%lu\n%s\n%s\n", strlen(s), s, t);


return 0;
