CS 138

Introduction to Data Abstraction and Implementation

- TA James Hou

Private parts are visible to children
- Slideshow

I was shaving yaks
- Prof. Mike Godfrey

  1. The C++ Memory Model, Linked Structures, and some ADTs
    1. Memory Model
    2. Struct/Class Instances
    3. Pointers
    4. Linked List
    5. Abstract Data Types
    6. Stack
    7. Implementing stack with a linked list
      • C assert macro
      • Implementing the stack ADT with a vector
      • The adapter design pattern
    8. Reference Parameters
    9. Reference parameter examples (Constants)
    10. Scopes of variables and activation records (stack frames) on the runtime stack
    11. Recursion
    12. Queue
    13. Implementing queue with vector and linked list
    14. A note on defensive programming
    15. Types of linked list
    16. A word on testing
    17. Sorted linked list (common sense)
    18. Sorted linked list (insert)
    19. Sorted linked list (remove)
    20. Priority Queue
  2. Object-Oriented Programming
    • Introducing classes, structs on steroids
    • Class definition vs declaration
    • Constructors
