
De Morgan's Law
For statement variables and , we have

For statement variables , , and , the following rules hold for the logical operators and

Commutative Laws Associative Laws Distributive Laws

Transitivity of Divisibility (TD)
For all integers , and , if and , then .

Divisibility of Integer Combinations (DIC)
For all integers , and , if and , then for all integers and , .

Pascal's Identity (PI)
For all positive integers and with , we have

Binomial Theorem 1 (BT 1)
For all integers and for all real numbers ,

Binomial Theorem 2 (BT 2)
For all integers and for all real numbers and ,

Bounds by Divisibility (BBD)
For all integers and , if and then

Division Algorithm (DA)
For all integers and positive integers , there exist unique integers and such that
and .

GCD with Remainder (GCD WR)
For all integers , , and , if , then

GCD Characterization Theorem (GCD CT)
For all integers and , and non-negative integers , if is a common divisor of and , and there
exist integers and such that , then

Bézout's lemma (BL)
For all integers and , there exist integers and such that , where .

Common Divisor Divides GCD (CDD GCD)
For all integers , and , if and then .

Coprimeness Characterization Theorem (CCT)
For all integers and , if and only if there exists integers and such that .

Division by the GCD (DB GCD)
For all integers and , not both zero, , where .

Coprimeness and Divisibility (CAD)
For all integers , and , if and , then .

Prime Factorization (PF)
Every natural number can be written as a product of primes

Euclid's Theorem (ET)
The number of primes is infinite.

Euclid's Lemma (EL)
For all integers and , and prime numbers , if , then or

unique factorization theorem (UFT)
Every natural number can be written as a product of primes uniquely, apart from the order of the factors

Divisors From Prime Factorization (DFPF)
Let and be positive integers, and let be a way to represent as a product of the distinct primes , where some or all of the exponents may be zero. The integers is a positive divisor of if and only if can be represented as a product , where for .

GCD From Prime Factorization (GCD PF)
Let and be positive integers, and let , and , be ways to express and as products of the distinct primes where some or all of the exponents may be zero. Then where for .

Linear Diophantine Equation Theorem, Part 1 (LDET 1)
For all integers , , and , with and not both zero, the linear Diophantine equation (in variables and ) has an integer solution if and only if , where

Linear Diophantine Equation Theorem, Part 2 (LDET 2)
Let , , and be integers with and both not zero, and define . If and is one particular integer solution to the linear Diophantine equation , then the set of all solutions is given by

Congruence Add and Multiply (CAM)
For all positive integers , if for all , then , and .

Congruence Power (CP)
For all positive integers and integers and , if , then .

Congruence Divide (CD)
For all integers , , and , if , and , then .

congruent iff same remainder (CISR)
For all integers and , if and only if and have the same remainder when divided by .

congruent to remainder (CTR)
For all integers and with , if and only if has remainder when divided by .

linear congurence theorem (LCT)
For all integers and , with non-zero, the linear congruence has a solution if and only if , where . Moreover, if is one particular solution to this congruence, then the set of all solutions is given by , or, equivalently, .

Modular Arithmetic Theorem (MAT)
For all integers and , with non-zero, the equation in has a solution if and only if , where . Moreover, when , there are $d solutions, given by , where is one particular solution.

Inverses in Z_m (INV Z_m)
Let be an integer with . The element in has a multiplicative inverse if and only if . Moreover, when , the multiplicative inverse is unique.

Inverses in Z_p (INV Z_p)
For all prime numbers and non-zero elements in , the multiplicative inverse exists and is unique.

Fermat's Little Theorem (Fâ„“T)
For all prime numbers and integers not divisible by , we have

Corollary of Fermat's Little Theorem (Corollary of Fâ„“T)
For all prime numbers and integers , we have

Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT)
For all integers and , and positive integers and , if , then the simultaneous linear congruences

have unique solution modulo . Thus, if is one particular solution, then the solutions are given by the set of all integers such that .

Splitting Modulus Theorem (SMT)
For all integers and positive integers and , if , then the simultaneous congruences

have exactly the same solutions as the single congruence .

RSA Works (RSA)
For all integers , and , if

  1. and are distinct primes
  2. and are positive integers such that and
  3. where
  4. where


Properties of Conjugate (PCJ)
For the complex conjugate, the following properties hold for all :

  1. and
  2. If , then

Triangle Inequality (TIQ)
For all , we have

Properties of Modulus (PM)
For the modulus, the following properties hold for all :

  1. if and only if
  2. If , then

Polar Multiplication in C (PMC)
For all complex numbers and , we have .

De Moivre's Theorem (DMT)
For all real numbers and integers , we have .

Complex n-th Roots Theorem (CNRT)
For all complex numbers and natural numbers , the complex n-th roots of are given by .

Quadratic Formula (QF)
For all complex numbers , , and, with , the solutions to are given by , where is a solution to

Degree of a Product (DP)
For all fiends , and all non-zero polynomials and in , we have

Division Algorithm for Polynomials (DAP)
For all fields , and all polynomials and in with not the zero polynomial, there exist unique polynomials and in such that , where is the zero polynomial, or

Remainder Theorem (RT)
For all fiends , all polynomials , and all , the remainder polynomial when is divided by is the constant polynomial .

Factor Theorem (FT)
For all fields and all polynomials , and all , the linear polynomial is a factor of the polynomial if and only if (equivalently, is a root of the polynomial )

Fundamental Theorem of Algebra (FTA)
For all complex polynomials with , there exists a such that

Complex Polynomials of Degree n Have n Roots (CPN)
For all integers , and all complex polynomials of degree , there exists complex numbers and such that . Moreover, the roots of are .

Conjugate Roots Theorem (CJRT)
For all polynomials with real coefficients, if is a root of , then is a root of .

Real Quadratic Factors (RQF)
For all polynomials with real coefficients, if is a root of , and , then there exists a real quadratic polynomial and a real polynomial such that . Moreover, the quadratic factor is irreducible in .

Real Factors of Real Polynomials (RFRP)
For all real polynomials of positive degree, can be written as a product of real linear and real quadratic factors.