- Personal Computer (PC)
- Laptop, desktop, workstation
- good singer-user performance at relatively low cost
- 290 million sold in 2022, processor cost $200 - $1000
- Server
- Cloud-processor time and storage for rent (AWS, Azure, GCP)
- Mainframes - high reliability (for government, banks, universities) (e.g IBM system Z)
- Supercomputers - high performance (for weather modeling, oil exploration, drug interactions) (https://top500.org)
- Very small market, processor cost $3000 - $10 000
- Personal mobile devices
- Smartphones, tablets
- Battery, wireless, touchscreens
- 160 million tablets and 1.4 billion smartphones sold in 2022, processor cost $50 - $150
- Microcontrollers (MCUs) / embedded
- Part of a larger system/device
- Automobiles, consumer products, robotics
- 31 billion processors sold in 2021, processor cost $0.64 on average