Boolean Algebra

Continuation of binary logic


For all , we have:

Property Explanation
closed under addition
closed under multiplication
additive identity
multiplicative identity
addition is commutative
multiplication is commutative
addition is distributive
multiplication is distributive
addition is associative
multiplication is associative
For all , there exists such that additive inverse
For all . there exists such that multiplicative inverse
There exists such that at least 2 unique elements

(same table as Logical Operators#Properties, but with different notation)


De Morgan's law

De Morgan's Laws


When expanding negation, the elements take the negation, and conjunction changes to disjunction and vice versa

For all ,


De Morgan's Laws work for an arbitrary number of variables:


absorption law

Absorption Law


For all ,


partial distributive law

Partial Distributive Law


For all ,


This is just distributive law, but the first term gets lost


combining law

Combining Law


For all


consensus law

Consensus Law


For all


A good way to remember this law is, if you can rearrange the elements into a "chain" with the first and last variables being complements of each other, then you can KILL the middle element.





which is exactly the right hand side

(see tautology)


Consider a four variable function (see maxterm), where represents the most significant bit. Use algebraic manipulation to derive a simplified POS expression for the function such that the cost is no more than 10 when implemented using basic gates.

We have:

which gives:

but this isn't enough. Our cost will be 12 with this configuration. In order to simplify further, we need to find a function that resembles which we know will not affect the result of the function. That is, it must be one of our given maxterms. The maxterm with the curly brace on top matches everything but , so this will be a good choice.

now our cost is 10, as desired.

We could further simplify this to (cost 9), but this would no longer be POS.