State Reduction of ASCs

Our state reduction involves two procedures:

  1. Partitioning of equivalent states.
  2. Merging of compatible state

  1. Use partitioning to eliminate all but one state for each set of equivalent states
  2. Construct a merger diagram
  3. Chose a subset of compatible states that can be merged into a single state
    • Try to minimize the number of subsets needed to cover all states
    • Each state must be included in only one of the chosen subsets
  4. Derive the reduced flow table by merging the rows in chosen subsets
  5. Repeat steps 2 and 4 to see if further reductions are possible



Consider the following initial flow table:

After partitioning based on output, we have:

Since none of have the same next state:

But we see that states and are potentially equivalent. If we check each column, we see that either the states are the same, point back to themselves, or the "don't cares" align.


Which gives us a new flow table:


After identifying compatible state pairs, we can draw a merger diagram showing relationship among various states, where:

Then from the merger diagram we chose the best possibility (fewest states).


Consider the following table:

Compatible pairs with :

  • (A, H) because the next states in each column either match, or are "don't cares"
  • (B, F)
  • (B, G) because even though for the next states don't match, they are both stable
  • (F, G)
  • (G, H)

Compatible pairs with :

  • (D, E)

We can draw the merger diagram:

Observe that:

  • We can merge A and H as long as H is not merged with G
  • We can merge F, G, and B into one state
  • D and E can be merged

New state table:


  • If one of the states columns of the merged states has a stable state, the new state becomes a stable state as well
  • If there are multiple states in the same columns of the merged states, pick the one that will exist post-merge