Choosing Flip-Flops

See Flip-Flops.

DFFs are the most intuitive choice for a flip-flop, since they follow their input as their state, meaning the input equations of the flip-flop are also the next state equations. However, other types of flip-flops can be les expensive.


Consider the following state assigned table for a sequential circuit:

excitation table using DFFs:

Note that we can write and as and , as well as and as and .

We can also write: and .

Excitation table using TFFs:

Note that we can write .

We can also write and .

Excitation table using JKFF:

Recall that if , then , else .

We can write our flip-flop inputs as , , , and .

The JK flip-flop implementation has less cost than the T and D flip-flops.