The Derivative


  • A function is not differentiable at if there is a hole, vertical asymptote, or cusp at .


The derivative of a function at a point is

Assuming the limit exists. If the limit does not exist, then is not differentiable as .

Also see The Derivative as a Function


  • Lagrange's notation: , read as "f prime x". Preferred for simple statements and calculations.
  • Leibniz's notation: , read as "the derivative of y with respect to x". Preferred for more sophisticated calculations,
  • Newton's notation: . Used mostly in physics.
  • Euler's notation: . Used when treating the derivative exclusively as an operator. Just a more concise way of writing

The act of calculating a derivative is called differentiation, not deriving.

Geometric Interpretation


The average rate of change of a function over an interval can be interpreted as the slope of the secant line joining the points and .

If we let approach this line spans a shorter and shorter segment of the curve (as explained in Tangent and Secant lines), and in the limit, we obtain a line which touches the curve at only one point.

The Derivative as a Function and Newton's Quotient

If we write the difference as , then we can also write as


Or, the same "grade 12 definition":

We refer to as Newton's Quotient.

Higher-order Derivatives

Since the derivative of a function is a new function, it can be differentiated as well. We call these the second derivative, third derivative, etc.

In Lagrange's notation, we add more strokes: ,
In Leibniz's notation, we write: ,



A function if not differentiable at if:

  • There is a hole at
  • There is a vertical asymptote at
  • There is a cusp at , since no unique tangent line will exist
top = 10; bottom = -5;
left = -10; right = 10;
y = x \{x \ge 0\} | #2d70b3
y = -x \{x < 0\} | #2d70b3
y = 0 | #c74440 | dashed
y = \frac{x}{8} | #c74440 | dashed
y = \frac{-x}{8} | #c74440 | dashed
y = \frac{5x}{8} | #c74440 | dashed
y = \frac{-5x}{8} | #c74440 | dashed