Linear Diophantine Equations


Given the equation

Where and are not both zero. Let

  1. By LDET 1, if does not divide , then the equation has no solutions
  2. By LDET 1 and 2, if does divide , then the equation has an infinite number of solutions

When , there are infinitely many Certificates of Correctness for GCD


An equation in which both of the coefficients are integers is called a Diophantine equation.

Named after the 3rd century Hellenistic mathematician Diophantus of Alexandria.

The simplest Diophantine equation is

Where and are given. Suppose is non-zero. By definition of divisibility, this equation only has an integer solution of

Linear Diophantine Equation Theorem, Part 1 (LDET 1)


For all integers , , and , with and not both zero, the linear Diophantine equation

has a integer solution if and only if where

(See divisibility, GCD)


Which of the linear Diophantine equations has a solution?

Note that

  • Since is not divisible by , equation 1 does not have an integer solution
  • Since is divisible by , equation 2 has an integer solution

To find an integer solution to when and :

  1. Find a Certificate of Correctness and for , which gives
  2. Multiply this equation by to get , which gives the solutions and

Determine whether the Diophantine equation has a solution, and if so, find that solution

Apply the Extended Euclidean Algorithm


We see that . Since , then from LDET 1, we conclude that this equation has a solution.

The certificate of correctness from the EEA table is and , so we have

Multiplying this equation by gives

So one integer solution is and

Linear Diophantine Equation Theorem, Part 2 (LDET 2)


Let , , and be integers with and not both zero, and . If and is one particular solution to the linear Diophantine equation , then the set of all solutions is given by

(See Set Builder Notation)


Find all solutions to the Diophantine equation

From the previous example, we found that , and found an integer solution and . Based on this solution, from LDET 2, with and and , the set of all solutions is given by