Prime Factorizations and the Greatest Common Divisor

Divisors From Prime Factorization (DFPF)

See unique factorization theorem, prime factorization


Let and be positive integers, and let

where are distinct primes, where some or all of the exponents may be zero.

The integer is a positive divisor of if and only if can be represented as a product

The proof is very long and may be included later.


Find all positive divisor of

By DFPF, the positive divisors of are integers of the form

Hence, the positive divisors are given by:

GCD From Prime Factorization (GCD PF)

See Greatest Common Divisor, Prime Factorization


Let and be positive integers, and let and
Where are distinct primes, and some or all of the exponents may be zero.
We have


Determine by using prime factorizations

Observe that and
Then from GCD PF, we obtain

Note that for large numbers, it if faster and more efficient to use the Extended Euclidean Algorithm