The Unique Factorization Theorem

Euclid's Lemma (EL)


For all integers and , and prime numbers , if , then or

(See divisibility)

Proposition - Generalization of Euclid's Lemma

Let be a prime number, and be a natural number, and be integers. If , then for some

I.e if in Euclid's Lemma was replaced with an an arbitrary number of factors, one of those factors would be divisible by

Unique Factorization Theorem (UFT)

Theorem - Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

Every natural number can be written as a product of prime factors uniquely, disregarding the order of those factors.

This is an extension of Prime Factorization, with uniquness.


We can further extend this as: for every natural number (), we can represent uniquely as the product

Where are positive integers, and are prime factors of .
For example, the prime divisors of 80 262 are 2, 3, 7, and 13, and we have

Even more generally, suppose , and the list of distinct primes , includes all prime numbers. Then

Where are non-negative integers.
Then we can write .

Finding a Prime Factor (FPF)

Similar to the Sieve of Eratosthenes


Every natural number is either a prime or has a prime factor less than or equal to


Determine whether is a prime number or not

From FPF, either is a prime, or it has a prime factor less than or equal to .
Now .
The only primes less than or equal to are , , , and .
Since none of these divide , we conclude that must be a prime number.