Adjacency Matrices for Directed Graphs

Directed Graph

See Graphs.


A directed graph (or digraph) is a set of vertices and a set of directed edges between some of the pairs of vertices. We may move from one vertex in the directed graph to another vertex if there is a directed edge pointing in the direction we wish to move.

Adjacency Matrix


The adjacency matrix of a directed graph is the matrix whose th entry is the number of directed edges to


Consider the directed graph with vertices .
For all positive integers , the number of distinct -edged paths from is given by the th entry of

Example Problem

An airline company offers flights between the cities of Toronto, Beijing, Paris and Sydney. You can fly between these cities as you like, except that there is no flight from Beijing to Sydney, and there is no flight between Toronto and Sydney in either direction.

We label Toronto as , Beijing as , Paris at , and Sydney as

We construct the adjacency matrix as

Since we can take at most 5 flights, we will compute the matrices like permutations:

a) If you depart from Toronto, how many distinct sequences of flights can you take if you plan to arrive in Beijing after no more than 5 flights? (You may arrive at Beijing in less than 5 flights and then leave, provided you end up back in Beijing after no later than the 5th flight).

We can take the nd entry of each matrix, since we can also take less than 5 flights

Thus there are 32 distinct permutations of ways to get from Toronto to Beijing in 5 or less flights.

b) Suppose you wish to depart from Sydney and arrive in Beijing after the 5th flight. In how many ways can this be done so that your second flight takes you to Toronto?

We compute the number of ways to fly from Sydney to Toronto in 2 flights, and Toronto to Beijing in 3 flights, and multiply them:

c) Suppose you wish to depart from Sydney and arrive in Beijing after the 5th flight. In how many ways can this be done so that you visit Toronto at least once?

We can try counting the number of flight to Toronto after the first flight, and add the second, third, etc. But this leads to the issue where, if Toronto shows up twice, it is double counted.

As such, we will find the complementary event instead. That is, we find all the possibilities that do not visit Toronto, and subtract by the number of flight that go from Sydney to Beijing.

We can accomplish this by removing Toronto from the directed graph.

After some calculations, we find

The entry of shows that there are 5 distinct ways to fly from Sydney to Beijing in 5 flights without stopping in Toronto. Since the entry of shows that there are 19 ways to fly from Sydney to Beijing in 5 flights, there must be distinct ways to fly from Sydney to Beijing in 5 flights while visiting Toronto at least once.