Matrix Inverses



Let . If there exists a such that , then WLOG, is invertible and is the inverse of .

The inverse of is denoted by

(see matrix multiplication, identity matrix)

To see what a matrix inverse represents, see Inverse Linear Transformations.


Do not write . This is wrong




Inverse Existence


Let . if and only if . Moreover, , and and

(See rank, logical and, determinant)


A matrix must be full rank, otherwise it squishes some vectors into a lower dimension. You cannot "unsquish" these vectors, since the linear transformation would no longer be a function (each input would have multiple outputs).

Inverse Uniqueness


Let be invertible. If are both inverses of , then

See logical and

Matrix Inversion Algorithm

Consider . If is invertible, then there exists an such that


We have three systems of equations with the same coefficient matrix, so we construct an augmented matrix

(Since is the identity matrix)

We must consider 2 cases:

  1. If the RREF of is , thenwhere is the result of Gauss-Jordan elimination on .
    From this, we see thatHenceSo
  2. Else
    , and is not invertible, since if were invertible, it would have by the "inverse existence" theorem

For , to see if is invertible, and to compute , carry the matrix to RREF.

  • If the RREF of is for some :
  • Else: is not invertible
Check Your Work

If an inverse is found, you can check to ensure that

Properties of Matrix Inverses


Let be invertible and let with . Then

  1. (see transpose)
  2. (think about it)
Properties - Cancellation

Let be invertible

  1. Left cancellation:
  2. Right cancellation:

Invertible Matrix Theorem

Invertible Matrix Theorem

Let . The following are equivalent:

  1. is invertible
  2. The RREF of is
  3. For all , the system is consistent, and has a unique solution
  4. is invertible (see transpose)
  5. (see null space)
  6. The columns of form a linearly independent set
  7. The columns of span
  8. (see column space)
  9. The rows of form a linearly independent set
  10. The rows of span
  11. (see row space)