Equation of a Line


Vector Equation of a Line

Vector Equation of a Line.png
Vector Equation of a Line on a Plane.png

We require 2 things to describe a line:

  1. A point on the line
  2. A vector in the direction of the line (direction vector)

Direction vector


  • A direction vector () for the line if it is parallel or collinear to the line
  • E.g the direction vector for a line with slope
    • The head of at the point
    • or any scalar multiple
    • Always use the reduced form

Position Vector Equation of a Line




Either way, same concept


  • is a position vector for a general point on the line
  • is a position vector for a specific point on the line
  • is a direction vector for the line
  • where is a parameter

Parametric Equations

Vector Equation of a Line 2.png

Scalar Equation of a Line

Converting a Vector Equation of a Line to Standard Form


(1) See the Dot Product