Theory of Natural Number Arithmetic

Pre: Predicate Logic, Statements and Quantifiers

Computer scientists consider 0 to be part of the natural numbers: .

The set of natural numbers is countably infinite.


The theory contains:

  • Constants: (no other numerical constants)
  • Functions:
    • (successor, plus 1)
    • (addition)
    • (multiplication)
  • Predicates:
    • (less than)

is , is 2, etc.

we have finite representation of an infinite set.

Peano's Axioms

Distinction Axioms

Two axioms to state that all natural numbers are distinct:

Axiom 1 - 0 is not a Successor

Axiom 2 - Successors are Distinct

Technically this should be iff, but we don't have to write it because of the theory of equality.

Addition Axioms

Axiom 3 - Addition by 0

Axiom 4 - Addition of Successor

Example - Addition


3 is , 2 is .

is 5.

Note: we don't have to do proofs like this.

Multiplication Axioms

Axiom 5 - Multiplication by 0

Axiom 6 - Multiplication by Successor

Example - Multiplication

Find .


is 4.


Axiom 7 - Induction

Regular Induction

Principle of Mathematical Induction (POMI)


Let be an open sentence that depends on .

If statements 1 and 2 are both true:

Then statement 3 is true:

Proof Method - Induction


To prove the universally quantified statement

  1. Prove (base case)
  2. Prove the universally quantified implication (inductive step)
    1. - inductive hypothesis
    2. - inductive conclusion

If the definition of natural numbers includes , then you would prove as the base case.


You prove that if the hypothesis is true, the conclusion must also be true, and the conclusion "becomes" the hypothesis for the next "term"

Proof of :

Proof of :

Proof of

Such that

AKA "domino principle"

This works because the natural numbers are ordered. Between any two natural numbers and , there are only a finite number of natural numbers.

Induction vs Deduction

Induction with Natural Deduction

See Natural Deduction


Show these steps:




Practical approach for SE212:

Non-Zero Base Case

We can use a vacuously true implication for our base case starting at 0, which will render all values below our non-zero base case true.




Other Axioms

Peano had additional axioms for the operator

Recursive Definitions

We often need to define mathematical functions.

To write a definition of a function on an ordered domain like nat, we can use a recursive function definition. A recursive function definition is one that is defined in terms of itself and certain terminating clauses.

For natural numbers, we can define a function by giving:

  1. Its value for
  2. Its value for in terms of (or its value for in terms of )
Example - Summation

We can write summation recursively:

As a recursive definition:

or more generally:





Prove that every third fib is even:


Show that:

is not a tautology.

  1. Domain:
  2. Mapping: