Pascal's Triangle and Binomial Theorem

Binomial Coefficients


The coefficient of the -th term of a binomial with exponent (i.e ) is:


    • E.g

Symmetry Theorem


Since Pascal's Triangle is symmetric, we can go from the left or the right (see below).

Pascals Triangle

Pascals Triangle


Let be each column, be each row

  • Each "cell" is defined as
  • Each row is symmetrical
    • I.e
  • The sum of each row is

Pascal's Identity


Different sources will say different things are "Pascal's Identity". Here are some I have come across:




These can all be demonstrated on the triangle

Binomial Theorem

Binomial Theorem 1 (BT1)


See union, complex numbers

Binomial Theorem 2 (BT2)


Newton's Binomial Theorem

Newton generalized the binomial theorem for real exponents other than non-negative integers (the same also applies to complex exponents).

For this generalization, the finite sum is replaced with an infinite series.

For example:

He noticed that we could generate these expansions with this rule:

where is defined by the recurrence relation:

notice that for , all terms of .


What if is not a positive integer? In that case, the series never terminates.


We with to find the binomial expansion of


Note that we have because our equation is actually .

As a matter of fact, this is exactly what we would get with a Taylor polynomial, centred at :

(see derivative)

However, Newton did now have this tool at his disposal.

How would he check that his result was correct? Newton multiplied both sides by themselves (i.e squared both sides).

Newton did this up to and found that past the first 2 terms, the rest cancelled out. He then assumed, without proof, that the rest of the terms would also cancel. The proof came later.

As such, this generalization became known as Newton's Binomial Theorem.


This is the same as the standard binomial theorem, but generalized to allow .


Newton specifically wrote the following instances: