Arithmetic with Polynomials


is similar to

Addition and Multiplication of Polynomials


This is a super technical definition which is practically useless. Adding and multiplying polynomials is very intuitive.


In , for and :

In , for and

In , for and (see congruence class)

Degree of a Product


For all fields , and all non-zero polynomials and in , we have:

Division Algorithm for Polynomials (DAP)

See division algorithm


For all fields , and all polynomials and in and not the zero polynomial, there exists unique polynomials and in such that

where is the zero polynomial, or .

Divisibility in


For polynomials and over , we say that divides or is a factor of , if there exists a polynomial such that .
We write .

That is, divides when the remainder from DAP is the zero polynomial, or when and are both the zero polynomial.

See Polynomial Long Division

Unique Factorization Theorem on Polynomials (UFTP)

See unique factorization theorem


For all polynomials can be expressed uniquely as a product of monic, irreducible polynomials and a non-zero constant.

Alternatively, all monic polynomials can be expressed uniquely as a product of monic irreducible polynomials without a non-zero constant.