Real Polynomials and the Conjugate Roots Theorem

Conjugate Roots Theorem (CJRT)

As I say, buy one get one free
- Wentang Kuo


For all polynomials with real coefficients, if is a root, then is a root of

(see conjugate)


Let . Given that is a root of , write as a product of linear factors in , if possible.

Since is a polynomial with real coefficients, we can use the CJRT. Thus, and are both roots, and by factor theorem, and are both factors of .
The product of these two factors if .
Dividing by yields a quotient , which can be written as the product .

Real Quadratic Factors (RQF)


For all polynomials with real coefficients, if is a root of and , there exists a real quadratic polynomial and a real polynomial such that . Moreover, the quadratic factor is irreducible in .

Real Factors of Real Polynomials (RFRP)


For all real polynomials or positive degree, can be written as a product of real linear and real quadratic factors.


That is, any polynomial with degree greater than 2 is reducible.