Power Set

Family of Sets


Given a set , a collection of subsets of is called a family of subsets of (or family of sets over ).


Let . An example of a family of sets over is

A family of subsets over is a subset of the power set of (an "incomplete" power set if you will).

Power Set


A power set (powerset) of a set is the set of all subsets of , including the empty set and the set itself.

The power set is a special case of a family of subsets: family of subsets of a set is a subset of the power set of .
In other words, a power set is a family of sets containing all combinations of subsets of any length.


The power set of is often denoted as:

Axiom - Power Set

If is the set , then all the subsets of are:

So the power set of is

Below is the Hasse diagram for this powerset:


If is a finite set with cardinality , then . This is why the power set is sometimes denoted as .


Cantor's Theorem


Let be a function which maps from set to its power set . Then is not surjective. As a result, holds for any set ,

Relation to the Binomial Theorem

See binomial theorem


Given a set with elements, the number of subsets with elements is

(see combination)


A power set of a set with 3 elements has:

  • subset with 0 elements (empty set)
  • subsets with 1 element (singleton subsets)
  • subsets with 2 elements (the complements of the singleton subsets)
  • subset with 3 elements (the original set)

Using this relationship, we can compute :
