Confidence Intervals

Notation: estimates vs estimators

Estimates vs Estimators:
Estimates: , e.t.c: calculates from sample
Estimators: : an RV: e.g weekly expenses of a student

A 100%p confidence interval for is an estimate of the interval for s and such that

Let and . Suppose we have CI: , where .

This does not mean that there is a 95% chance the interval contains the .
Instead, it means 95% of constructed CIs fall around (i.e contain) .

Interpretation of confidence intervals:

is nonsense mathematically. There is no randomness, either is in the interval or it is not.

Really what we are asking is


  1. Construct the Pivotal quantity
  2. Using the Pivotal Distribution, construct the Coverage Interval
  3. Estimate the Coverage Interval using your data

Suppose that we have and we have collected and .

Construct a 95% confidence interval for .

Construct the Pivotal Quantity
A RV which is function of such that the distribution is known without knowing the value of .

Using the Pivotal Distribution, construct the Coverage Interval

best estimate of is

CI is: , this is an estimate.


A confidence interval is a range of estimates for an unknown parameter, which is computed at a designated confidence level.


The statement "on average, a household lightbulb will last hours, 19 times out of 20" means we can be confident that the average household lightbulb will last between to hours.


When making a conclusion about the mean of a population, the confidence interval is calculated by:



When making a conclusion about the proportion of a population, the confidence interval is calculated by:


  • is the population proportion (estimated by the sample proportion)
  • is the sample proportion (i.e the probability of success)
  • is the probability of failure
  • is the confidence level z-score
  • is the sample size

This formula should be used when the sample is much smaller than the population


The confidence level z-scores can be obtained by working backwards from a z-score table. The most common ones are:

Confidence Level 90% 95% 99%
z 1..65 1.96 2.58

A paint manufacturer knows that drying times for its latex paints have a standard derivation of 10.5 minutes. Twenty test areas of equal size are painted and the mean drying time is found to be 75.4 minutes. Calculate a 95% confidence interval for the actual mean drying time of the paint.

We have:

using the equation:

so the confidence interval is to minutes, 19 times out of 20.

That is, the drying time of the paint is minutes with a confidence level of .


In a recent election, the mayor got 72% of the vote, but only 5000 voters turned out. Construct a 90% confidence interval for the proportion of the people who support the mayor.

We have:

using the equation:

so the confidence interval is 71% to 73% with a confidence level of 90%.