Electrical Fields


Electric fields are created by charge

Electric Field Strength



  • is the electric field ( volts per meter, or newtons per coulomb)
  • is Coulomb's constant ()
  • is the charge ()
  • is the distance between the two charges ()

is an "imaginary" charge (test charge) to measure what the strength WOULD be with that charge.


A Van der Graaf generator is charged to µ. What is the electric field away?



Recall that a negative value would mean the vector points away.

Electrical Force (Coulomb's Law)


and we tag on the unit vector at the end to give the direction, but usually this shouldn't be done explicitly.


Sometimes we write as , where is the constant of permittivity of free space, which is , which gives

so sometimes Coulomb's Law is expressed as


Sometimes, it's good to explicitly denote the directions of force, for example,

which represents the force object 1 exerts on object 2.


An electron is from a proton. What is the force between them?

solution Recall from the Cupboard Formulae:

  • Electron charge:
  • Proton charge:

Note that a positive value would mean repulsion.

Force on a Moving Charge

Recall from Cupboard Formulae that , and . Since m

and we can figure out lots of stuff with this.

Charge Distributions


When a uniform charge is uniformly distributed along a thin rod of length , the linear charge density is:

similarly, for a surface with area :

and for volume , which is analogous to mass density:

Finding the Electrical Force on a Point Charge From a Distribution


  1. Find the linear density
  2. Divide that continuous distribution into differential elements, :
  3. integrate the differential force over all the differential charge elements of the objects.

A positive point charge, , is located at a distance directly above the centre of a charged thin non-conducting circular plate of radius . The plate carries a total positive charge, , spread uniformly over its surface area. What will be the electrical force on the point charge?


We calculate the surface charge density by dividing by the area:

Next, we divide the surface into differential area elements, .

The equation for the force is

Since the charge is placed at the centre of the circle, we only need to consider the z-component of the force, which is defined by: